
Showing posts from November, 2010

Ayurveda Detox- Part 1

Ayurveda (literal translation 'Knowledge of Life' or 'Science of Life') is an ancient Indian science, based on the Vedas , that helps to maintain the body, mind and spirit in equilibrium. As I was in Delhi over the Diwali period, an Ayurveda Detox sounded like just the thing I needed with the season changing. The actual Panchkarma cleansing process is done at ashrams/ ayurvedic spa resorts under supervision. But for the yuppies and people on the run (which explains why they are burned-out in the first place) there is a short-cut of sorts requiring about nine days. And for people pretending to live on two continents at the same time, there is an even quicker short-cut of (possibly) detoxing in five days. Health Warning: the last one is the IG version of an Ayurveda-inspired-detox. Practise at own risk! So here's a short account of how it went for me. Ideally this is to be done over a holiday period as energy levels can get low. Remember, you might be better of...