
Showing posts from January, 2011

Ayurveda Detox- Part 2 (Food)

So my first Ayurveda blog was all about me being a self-appointed guinea pig. In this one I'll summarize how Ayurveda  treats various food types. Its worth noting that since this 'ancient food science/ life science' was developed over 5000 years ago in a tropical part of the world, many of its recommendations are geared towards the food and lifestyle associated with that region. Still the Indian sub-continent is huge and the variety of seasons it covers from the chilly winters in the northern mountains, to the extreme heat of its western deserts and the temperate climate on its coastlines means that the principles could well be applicable to many geographies. Here is what I have gleaned so far in my ongoing quest to understanding the principles behind the many rules of food preparation and consumption: 1) Best times to eat All individuals have different digestion levels and strengths. In general the body's digestion is strongest between 10 AM and 2...