
Showing posts from May, 2011

The Man in the Mask

It wasn't an Iron Mask or a Venetian Mask or even a 'Prince William' mask, (the last type I believe come out only once a generation in the UK). Rather it was a black rubber mask with little metal studs on the side. Looked a little bit like something you would wear in the event of a chemical attack. It was worn by a muscular, tattooed, shaved-head (or bald bloke) sitting in the tube. It was impossible not to stare at him. Much to my satisfaction, I saw that there were several people like me who pretended to scan the adverts above him and then surreptitiously glanced at him before forcing their eyes to move to the next ad panel. A few thoughts flashed in my head over the course of the 3 tube stops on the Northern Line that i shared with the Masked Man. Is there a new type of  flu that can only be prevented by wearing black rubber masks which look like they will choke you if the flu doesn't get to you first? Or maybe it i...