Stepping into the Culture Corner with Jazz, Opera and Rockstar
After a long hiatus, I decided to catch up with some cultural and social events in London. It was not my explicit intention to mix the bizarre and the bohemian, but that's the only way to describe how my week turned out. I started out on a Sunday of jazz music joining a group of serious jazz enthusiasts. To me jazz has mostly been something that plays in the background, or perhaps adds character to a lazy afternoon spent reading a book. So it was fortunate that the event was in fact 'The history of jazz music' and I got up to speed with the names of popular artists and change in style from 1930s, 40s, 50s.... right up to 2010. And I discovered that I was happy to be stuck in the 1930s where it seemed a lot more fun and played to the foxtrot and other interesting dance styles. Invigorated by this finding, I decided to attend a proper concert mid-week where a prominent jazz saxophonist Archie Shepp was joined by the rather-talented jazz-pianist Joachim Kühn . It was ...