
Showing posts from January, 2012

People want to dance? Too right.

In most mainstream Bollywood movies, actors can stand up in the middle of a happy scene, a sad scene, an angry scene, a 'flashback' scene,  a 'dream sequence' and in fact any scene to break out into a song and dance. I see some of you smirking. Well- Boo to you!  Because it is clear that humans do want to dance, and often for no rhyme or reason. What, you don't believe me ?  Then what are these people doing in Liverpool Street, London in the video below. Well that was the T-mobile advert but here's what some youngsters in South Korea were up to a few years ago. Some people have called it one of the ...... yawn...... less interesting flash mobs ever. Still, I think the umbrellas were kind of cute ;-) Its worth mentioning (if you believe Wiki) that flash mobs were used as a social experiment in 2003 where 130 people flooded Macy's  and gathered around a ... rug (!) In 2006 London had its first silent disco at Victoria tube station. And we've...