
Showing posts from March, 2013

Feeding the heart and the soul all at once

I disappeared again for a bit from blogosphere but amongst other 'going-ons' in my life, I discovered this whole new world of vlogosphere. May I hastily add I don't refer to my own vlogs but rather I've been sadly, madly and most of all happily hooked to those of one of my favourite fictional characters- Elizabeth Bennett. Elizabeth, or Lizzie to those of us who feel like we know her so well, has been brought to life (yet again) by a group of terribly creative people across the pond in sunny California. The vlogs have been running for almost an year, and by some happy coincidence share the start date with my birthday (I feel a bond already). However I only discovered their existence two months ago, hurriedly skimming through an article on '200 years of Jane Austen' on the tube 30 seconds before my stop arrived.  Always wary to see adaptations of my favourite book, I gingerly clicked on the first episode one evening and then found myself up till the early ho...