Tradition, politics and technology rub shoulders in India
The photo below is from my walk in Shahput Jat (Delhi) a few days ago. It reflects the sentiment of Delhi and perhaps urban India. There is nothing new about murals and wall-art in India. It has just found another outlet in the guise of an urban art project . The poster of Aam Aadmi Party (literally Common Man’s Party) featuring Arvind Kejriwal says a lot about democracy. AAP has risen to power supported by a nation weary of decades of corruption. So far their wins have been short-lived as they learn how to tackle the complexities of running a government while simultaneously thwarting scheming opponents. With national elections looming this year, each street corner and each corner shop is a hot bed of debate and speculation. How do you predict which way 1.2 billion people will go? One thing is certain- the Indian political map is set to change, and hopefully for the better. Micromax is a local India...