The Art of Jaywalking
Jaywalking is an essential skill to cope with most Indian cities and Mumbai is no exception. Indians are genetically geared to excel in this. No one ever teaches anyone. From childhood, youngsters observe the adults, newcomers to cities observe the veterans and together all of them learn and evolve the best strategies to navigate the onslaught of heterogeneous traffic and the odd slow-moving bovine creatures. (Incidentally the more we in 'modern' India try to vehemently deny the presence of the aforesaid peace-loving bovine creatures on urban roads, the more they pop up at the most annoying places, in full view of camera-happy foreigners). Back to jaywalking. It is not just an art. On further thought, I believe it involves quite a bit of a complex science, an understanding of human behavioural responses, the experience of animal behavioural responses and a small belief in kismat. So here are some starter’s tips. As you hit the metalled surface, first spend half a second t...