High Heels or Not

Clickety-click, clickety-clack. Do I want to be the cat with the bell? Do I want to announce my arrival at each floor? Will I eventually get used to heads popping up as I head for the printer?

A strange and unexpected dilemma faces me in my new workplace - my company's India office in Delhi.  Should I wear high heels to work or not? Actually they are not even that high. They aren't stilettos or tall block heels mainly because I can't even walk properly on a carpet in stilettos. They are just a pair of mid-heel, smart shoes. The kind that I always wanted to wear but couldn't in my erstwhile life in the land-of-good-public-transport-to which-one-must-constantly-sprint, i.e. London. (I'm still rooting for good public transport btw!) But coming back to heels, its surprising how much noise they make on a non-carpeted office floor. Even more surprising is the medley of men on the floor who turn around from their screens to see who's approaching. This happens every day, every time I pass by. Even trips to the loo are no longer discreet.

Maybe this head-turning is a male reflex action. Like a lion in the jungle tunes his ear to hear a lioness, perhaps the urban male is tuning it to the sound of heels. This of course makes it even more important for women to wear them - once you are sure you are attracting the right kind of males that is.

Now I'm not one to get fazed too easily, so I tried different types of heels and discovered, no surprise, that some are less noisy than others. Hence I decided to wear the less clickety-clack ones for a bit. But as every girl knows certain shoes go with certain outfits and even on 'I-really-can't be-bothered-to-dress-today' days I couldn't force myself to wear the dull gold ones with the grey trousers (horror). I found myself back in my grumpy and defensive mode. I considered going to the shoe therapist. Okay I'm sure they exist. I mean all those girls who bought Manolo Blahniks after watching SATC thinking this will change their life probably need a lot of therapy right now.

After much thought and deliberation finally one day I got up and thought- do I really care? This is but a passing phase in my life. I love my sneakers too much to think of heels in any long-term way. So here's to HEELS- high or low or non-existent. Another little flag for women's choice, freedom, 'female emancipation' and suchlike. I hereby decide to wear any shoes, or no shoes (!) with complete flair and confidence and an invisible 'I am ignoring all those stares' shield.


  1. Keep on wearing those heels, Babes!



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