There's the book and then there's the Bookbook
Sometimes I start writing posts and get side-tracked. This is one of those that should have seen the light of day two months ago. As they say better late than never. More importantly, I started 2015 with some radical changes to improve my life-work balance. Ahem, you may notice that with my new-found wisdom I have swapped the term 'work-life' around. Live to work or work to live? Or love to live to work? Anyhow I have finally found time to start reading through my stack of half-finished and yet-to-start books that were beginning to form a tall-ish rectangular pillar by my bedside table. Do I hear the sniggers of Kindle-owners? Alas this safe, digital book filled life is not for me, for each evening I face the heart-racing task of balancing a glass of water, a phone-cum-alarm, a hair clip and other random objects on an ever-growing stack of 'real' books. Not to mention the 'living-on-the-edge' feeling of groggily switching the phone-cum-alarm off each mo...