There's the book and then there's the Bookbook
Sometimes I start writing posts and get side-tracked. This is one of those that should have seen the light of day two months ago. As they say better late than never. More importantly, I started 2015 with some radical changes to improve my life-work balance. Ahem, you may notice that with my new-found wisdom I have swapped the term 'work-life' around. Live to work or work to live? Or love to live to work?
Anyhow I have finally found time to start reading through my stack of half-finished and yet-to-start books that were beginning to form a tall-ish rectangular pillar by my bedside table. Do I hear the sniggers of Kindle-owners? Alas this safe, digital book filled life is not for me, for each evening I face the heart-racing task of balancing a glass of water, a phone-cum-alarm, a hair clip and other random objects on an ever-growing stack of 'real' books. Not to mention the 'living-on-the-edge' feeling of groggily switching the phone-cum-alarm off each morning without spilling/ toppling the aforementioned items.
Worryingly though, if my life-work balance plan works, I will be leading a risk-free, staid life as my stack of books drops lower with each book I finish. I could buy some more books if they are still printing them before the year is over. You may laugh but it's true, bookshops around London are disappearing faster than you can pop an M and S mini strawberry scone in your mouth.
In the worst case I could replace them with my 'Wimbledon Time and Leisure' magazines. Or indeed the BookBook in the video below (!)
High-five to all those who are flying the flag for paperbacks.
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