Between Bollywood melodies, we work a bit in Pune
The title of this post says it all. Is it every decade that you end up in a work environment that provides daily moments of utter panic interspersed with colleagues deciding on an impromptu ‘Bollywood singathon’ and serious discussions about the best mango farms in a 100 km radius? I think it’s probably once a lifetime thing. Therefore fortunate are ye all who have experienced the pinnacle of whacky working in this western city of India :D A far cry from the very ‘propah’ British office, each day it is a mystery whether I will be greeted by a new bespoke song, a breakfast order of “omelette pao”, or everyone suddenly clapping as you enter. You guessed it - my local colleagues were winding me up with the clapping. There was raucous laughter as I looked totally confused. I looked over my shoulder to check if someone important had come in. Then rolled my eyes and grinned. I had picked the short straw that day. I have woefully accepted that it can’t be a “jalebi day” every day. I...