Cat Hair in Bangkok

Hmmm. So what exactly is Cat Hair Design? I never found out really.

But this little place does more than feline hair styles. It also offers a hair cut, shampoo, blow-dry, hair colouring, pedicure, manicure and waxing. And it is located right at the entrance of a BTS Skytrain station in central Bangkok. Why hasnt anyone else thought of this idea?!

Going out into town for the evening? Just pop in and get a shampoo-blow dry and a nice manicure. Had a difficult day at work- just pop in for a relaxing facial massage on the way home. Or maybe all you wish for is a quick wax and pedicure. And why not, after all Bangkok does have the perfect weather for skirts and shorts, a fact which has not escaped the smartly dressed local women.

Okay, so the red painted plastic walls are a tad tacky and there is limited privacy but still the concept is cool. Here's hoping another city picks up on this soon. London Underground- are you listening?


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